Your Great Story is waiting for you to claim it. Its seeds are buried, like hidden treasure, within the Grand Design of your Soul's Journey.  Once you discover your Great Story, your life will never be the same.'

Great Story originators & Master Coaches Leza Danly and Jeanine Mancusi of Lucid Living

           Program Overview       

 8 Module Online Course

26 Audio Lessons

 Comprehensive Study Guides

Group Coaching Courses also include:

13 Live Tele-classes

Interactive Community

In this program, you will be guided on a transformational journey of discovering your Great Story.  There is so much more to know of who you really are, and the role you came to play in The Global Great Story of our time. 

 Plus a FREE Intuitive Reading!

           The Modules       


Orientation Module:  Welcome to Your Great Story

Module One:  The Elements of a Great Story

Module Two:  Seek Deeper Meaning: Reveal Your Soul's Journey

Module Three:  Love  Your Inner Victim - Claim Your Passion

Module Four:  Own Your Struggle: Find Your Triumph

Module Five:  Embrace Your Divinity: Value Your Grace

Module Six:  Use Every Story to Create Breakthrough

Module Seventh:  Feed Your Great Story Every Day

          This Program will ...       


  • Reveal the Grand Design of your life, and the triumph your Soul is longing for you to experience.
  • Provide you with the tools, techniques and processes to evoke transformation.
  • Teach you a new framework for the 'Who, What, Why and How' of your unique story.
  • Free you from the need to prove anything so you can get off the hamster wheel of excessive 'doing'.
  • Show you how to replace struggle with joyful, rewarding effort.
  • Disarm the critical inner voices and limiting beliefs and behaviours.
  • Accelerate transformation as you reinterpret your story and find the genius within it.
  • Provide you with a map to find the key elements of your Great Story and put them all together.
  • Give you powerful tools to feed your Great Story every day.
  • Call you forth to embrace your unique role in the unfolding Global Great Story of our time


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