Gather. Connect. Co-inspire.

Come together with others to Rest & Relax and also Renew your commitment to what matters most to you!

When: February 22-24, 2013
Where: Northern Light Retreat Centre
What: Time for relaxation, connection & inspiration.  A few structured elements to focus on what's important to you.  Time ~ to spend on your own quietly, &/or hang out with others - inside or out ...
Feel free to bring music, art & craft items, games, musical instruments, books, x-c skiis, snowshoes ... and any other items you'd like to sink yourself into &/or share with others.

Cost: $150, for min. 10 participants

includes Friday eve dinner, & beverages (non-alcoholic) throughout the weekend. Meal teams of participants will be organized to provide the other meals & snacks.



  •   opening & closing circles,
  •  an ice-breaking introduction exercise
  • Transformation Game, played in parts
  • some art & craft materials will also be provided
Ideas/ possibilities of fun shared time:
 Outdoor fun (walks, snow-shoeing, x-country skiing, snow angels, star-gazing ...), arts & crafts activities (vision board collaging, card-making, love-note creating, etc), conversation circles, games, dancing... limited only by your imagination!
Feel free to bring your friends! Let others you think might be interested in joining us know!
I look forward to a rich & relaxing time with you!




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